Do you want to make your data look organized and easy to understand for everyone, no matter what language they speak?
In this article, we will show you how to create a date table in Power Query that can change languages. That means, you can select your favourite language, and all the column names and values in the table will change to that language. It’s a helpful feature that makes it possible to have one calendar that rules them all. Even for your foreign colleagues.
This article is part of the Date Table series, which consists of:
Date Table Series
Creating a (Dynamic) Date Table
Build a Calendar that supports Multiple Languages
Creating a 445 Calendar (incl 454 and 544)
Advanced Topics
Create ISO Week and Year Column
Return Nth Business Day From Date
Compute Working Days Between Dates
Creating Ordinal Numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.)
Create Default Slicer Value of Current Month
Julian Dates
Let’s get started. Here’s what we’ll cover:
Table of contents
In an earlier post, you learned How to Create a Dynamic Date Table. This is an advanced post, so if this topic is new to you, make sure to read those fundamentals. Now, let’s delve into making a calendar flexible to support multiple languages.
There are two important areas to focus on when developing language flexibility in a calendar:
- Changing Column Values
- Renaming Columns
Let’s see how we can address both in Power Query.
1. Changing Column Values
Data tables can contain culture (language) specific values. This is often not the case for numbers (like year, month, week and day), but this is the case for text values like Day Names and Month Names.
And these values should show up in the right format and language. So, what is the best way to approach this with multiple languages?
1.1. Culture in Date Functions
Let’s say you want to create columns for Day Name and Month Day. By creating a custom column through the user interface, you may end up with the following:
= Date.DayOfWeekName( [Date] ) // "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", etc
= Date.ToText( [Date], "ddd" ) // "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", etc
= Date.MonthName( [Date] ) // "January", "February", "March"
= Date.ToText( [Date], "MMM" ) // "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" etc
By default, Power Query produces the column values using the language on your local machine. And this is often the desired value. Yet, imagine the machine that refreshes your dataset has a different system language.
The scheduled refresh may then change the values of your columns to the language on the server. Or perhaps your colleague has a different language on his machine and refreshes the data. In both cases, the values may show up in a different language. Yet you can avoid this using culture codes.
The output of these expressions provide English words and abbreviations. So how do you force a specific formatting respecting your desired local formatting conventions? Many functions in Power Query have an optional culture argument. To force a specific formatting, provide the functions with the relevant language culture, for example:
= Date.DayOfWeekName( [Date], "en-US" ) // "Monday", "Tuesday"
= Date.DayOfWeekName( [Date], "nl-NL" ) // "Maandag", "Dinsdag"
= Date.ToText( [Date], "ddd", "en-US" ) // "Mon", "Tue", "Wed"
= Date.ToText( [Date], "ddd", "fr-FR" ) // "lun.", "mar.", "mer"
= Date.ToText( [Date], "ddd", "es-ES" ) // "lu.", "ma.", "mi"
You can look here to find the abbreviations that represent your language. And this article also delves into both formatting and culture codes.
1.2. Create Language Parameter
So, different functions can leverage a culture code. The earlier examples have a hardcoded culture value included, and for a single language, this would be enough. Yet you can make the culture value dynamic based on the user selection.
Knowing you want the solution to be language-flexible, you first want the user to be able to select a language. To do that, you can create a parameter with a list of languages you support. You can do that by
- going to Manage Parameters, create a new parameter called CalendarLanguage
- Set Type to Text and Suggested Values to List
- Enter your languages in the Column interface provided
- Set the default value to your desired default value and press OK.
Please make sure these names align with the column names in your translation table. They will be used in the renaming function later.
The auto-generated code for my parameter is shown below. Make sure to name this parameter CalendarLanguage if you want to copy-paste my example.
// CalendarLanguage
meta [
IsParameterQuery = true,
List = {"English", "Nederlands"},
DefaultValue = "English",
Type = "Text",
IsParameterQueryRequired = true
That’s all you need for the language parameter.
1.3. Add Culture Code as Query Step
With this in place, you can now add a separate step in your Date Table that contains the culture code. Name this step Culture.
The goal is to return the relevant culture code that belongs to the language your user selects. For a small number of languages, you can create a manual if-statement. In this case:
= if CalendarLanguage = "English" then "EN-us" else
if CalendarLanguage = "Nederlands" then "nl-NL" else null
For a bigger number of languages, you can add a table showing language parameters by adding a step with the following:
_t = ( ( type nullable text ) meta [ Serialized.Text = true ] )
type table [ Language = _t, Culture = _t, DefaultValue = _t ]
So, how can you reference the values in this table? You need to know both the row index and the column of your desired value. To find the row index with the relevant language values, you can use the formula:
= List.PositionOf( LanguageParameters[Language] , CalendarLanguage )
CalendarLanguage here refers to the parameter we created earlier. With this in mind, referencing any value within that table then requires you to reference TableName[ColumnName]{RowIndex} like in the following:
= LanguageParameters[Culture]
{ List.PositionOf( LanguageParameters[Language] , CalendarLanguage ) }
// Returns the value of the [Culture] column for the relevant language.
= LanguageParameters[DefaultValue]
{ List.PositionOf( LanguageParameters[Language] , CalendarLanguage ) }
// Returns value of the [DefaultValue] column for the relevant language.
Remember to give the steps a relevant name that you can reference in your functions.
You can find more information on list-functions here.
1.4. Reference Culture Value in Functions
Then, instead of hardcoding the culture in your code, replace the culture by referencing the Culture value.
= Date.DayOfWeekName( [Date], "en-US" ) // "Monday", "Tuesday"
// the above code then becomes:
= Date.DayOfWeekName( [Date], Culture ) // "Monday", "Tuesday"
For a bigger number of cultures, I recommend adding a table that contains all values specific to the language.
2. Renaming Columns
The next step in making your Calendar dynamic is changing the Column Names to the desired language.
If your model was set up earlier with a date table, it’s good to be aware of the following. Changing column names can break existing measures and relationships in your data model.
It is best to set up your calendar language at the start of any project. This issue does not arise when changing column values, which is a relatively safe action. Having said that, how can we make the renaming of columns dynamic?
One way is to put an if-condition in each of the columns we create. This if-condition would have to include a branch for each language. The downside to this is that it takes a lot of time to set up, and maintenance would be a pain. Including a new language would involve changing the if-statements for each column.
A better way is to create a table that contains all the default column names. Then, for each language, add a column with the translation of this text to your desired language. In the last step of your query, you can then rename all items in your calendar by referencing this translation table.
Adding a new language would simply involve creating a new column in this translation table and adjusting the parameter to include the language. What does that look like?
2.1. Create a Translation Table
The first step is to create a translation table. The easiest way to do that is by going to Enter Data and adding a column for each language you want to support.
The ‘Enter Data’ functionality is currently not available in Excel. Yet, you can achieve the same by importing a table from a worksheet.
Before performing those steps, let’s first retrieve all Column Names in the calendar. To retrieve the column names in your calendar, you can go to the last step and then add a new step that references the last step name.
If your latest step is called ‘LastStepName’, you can retrieve a list with column names by using the Table.ColumnNames function:
= Table.ColumnNames( LastStepName )
To set up your Translation table, you can now:
- Copy all the values in this list.
- Go to Enter Date (1).
- Create a column for each language you want to support, and give these columns the language name you will provide in your parameter.
- Fill in the desired column names for each row.
- Press OK
After performing these steps, you end up with a Table like above. The Power Query interface creates the Binary code for this table, which you can now copy from the formula bar. This can look something like this:
= Table.FromRows(
_t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true])
type table [English = _t, Nederlands = _t]
2.2. Add Translation Table to Query
To prepare the solution for the renaming, you can copy-paste the entire step (either your own or mine). I like having the translation table in the main query. To do that, you can go to your date table query and:
- select the step where you want to insert the translation table.
- click on the fx button to create a new step
- paste the formula with your translation table
- rename the step to TranslateColumnNames
2.3. Rename Columns to Language
As a final step of the query, you can perform the renaming. In this way, most of the query remains the same, and a single step converts all Columns to the required language. With the translation table in place, all we need is to prepare the renaming function.
The easiest way to do that is to change a column name manually. This generates code using Table.RenameColumns, which we can alter:
= Table.RenameColumns(
#"Insert Is Weekday",
{ { "Date", "Datum" } }
The function uses lists with pairs of old and new values. You can reference your translation table using List.Zip with the following code:
= Table.RenameColumns(
#"Insert Is Weekday",
{ TranslateColumnNames[English], // default column names (list)
Table.Column( // new column names (list)
TranslateColumnNames, // from this table
CalendarLanguage) // and this Column Name
MissingField.Ignore // prevents throwing an error when columns miss
3. Date Table Script
Congratulations on making it all the way here. With all this in mind, you can now make use of your Date table. To see the Calendar in action, you first add a query called CalendarLanguage (mentioned in section 1.3):
// CalendarLanguage
meta [
IsParameterQuery = true,
List = {"English", "Nederlands"},
DefaultValue = "English",
Type = "Text",
IsParameterQueryRequired = true
With that in place, you can create another query to generate the calendar. Paste the following code in the advanced editor:
Today = Date.From( DateTime.LocalNow() ),
StartDate = #date( 2021, 1, 1 ),
EndDate = Date.EndOfYear( Today ),
TranslateColumnNames = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("bZLRboMwDEV/xeJ18BdUU1exauKhmqo+eMK01UqQaNjUv58dEidh5QV870lwbnw8FjVaKkp5zUNxKhcBtsbSmaZgwCtZvDn7k1DkN+RXqKGmHueb9Tq0Fk3HH91C8FM1jZj8yJeozWjspfK7NcgLKt3TefA+D1+krpQDZT4OFF3EYeVBexknmxGwE2WFxeYTMD8CV5OFsQe3jMlF+EEDy5oY34arBNxcTUdPwRofd7gaJWs8k3GCgA7Ztns4EH2bkEQQ0jBE8zHKp4aoPcuCrGW3Q2zkY2aDppj37pcFxFv6Fw8lrt5+FT35eZUBfMpwUXzAeE1B10sKbrwiQUKSsTnhYpxJhx4P8eT0OjQPu+H9B7sZXsH7vr9T6NMX4rmN1UyrOGVqLz0nfoheCY0+gVyTSrjmEnd7d4cjHpkyLRKvw0fwJi7Ocbbg5cl8eVETOP0B", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [English = _t, Nederlands = _t]),
LanguageParameters = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45Wcs1Lz8kszlDSUUrN03X1A9LOpUVFqXklSrE60Up+qSmpRTmJeSnFQIm8HF0/HyDtUZqZkpmeqhQbCwA=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type nullable text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Language = _t, Culture = _t, DefaultValue = _t]),
CultureCode = LanguageParameters[Culture] { List.PositionOf( LanguageParameters[Language] , CalendarLanguage ) },
Defaultvalue = LanguageParameters[DefaultValue] { List.PositionOf( LanguageParameters[Language] , CalendarLanguage ) },
#"List of Dates" = List.Dates( StartDate, Duration.Days( EndDate - StartDate ) +1, #duration( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) ),
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList( #"List of Dates", Splitter.SplitByNothing(), type table[Date = Date.Type] ),
#"Insert Date Integer" = Table.AddColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Date Integer", each Number.From( Date.ToText( [Date], "yyyyMMdd" ) ) , Int64.Type ) ,
#"Insert Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Date Integer", "Year", each Date.Year([Date]), Int64.Type),
// Creates a dynamic year value called 'Current' that moves with the current date. Put this value in a slicer and it automatically switches to the Current period.
#"Add Year Default" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Year", "Year Default", each if Date.Year( Today ) = [Year] then Defaultvalue else Text.From( [Year] ), type text),
#"Insert YYYY-MM" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Year Default", "YYYY-MM", each Date.ToText( [Date], "yyyy-MM"), type text),
#"Insert Month-Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert YYYY-MM", "Month-Year", each Text.Proper( Date.ToText( [Date], "MMM yyyy", CultureCode ) ), type text),
#"Insert Month Number" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Month-Year", "Month Number", each Date.Month([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Insert Month Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Month Number", "Month Name", each Text.Proper( Date.MonthName([Date], CultureCode ) ), type text),
#"Insert Month Name Short" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Month Name", "Month Name Short", each Text.Proper( Date.ToText( [Date] , "MMM", CultureCode ) ), type text),
// Creates a dynamic year value called 'Current' that moves with the current date. Put this value in a slicer and it automatically switches to the current period.
#"Add Month Name Default" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Month Name Short", "Month Name Default", each if Date.Month( Today ) = [Month Number] then Defaultvalue else [Month Name], type text ),
#"Insert Start of Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Month Name Default", "Start of Month", each Date.StartOfMonth([Date]), type date),
#"Inserted End of Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Start of Month", "End of Month", each Date.EndOfMonth( [Date] ), type date),
#"Inserted Days in Month" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted End of Month", "Days in Month", each Date.DaysInMonth([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Add ISO Week" = Table.AddColumn(#"Inserted Days in Month", "ISO Weeknumber", each let
CurrentThursday = Date.AddDays([Date], 3 - Date.DayOfWeek([Date], Day.Monday ) ),
YearCurrThursday = Date.Year( CurrentThursday ),
FirstThursdayOfYear = Date.AddDays(#date( YearCurrThursday,1,7),- Date.DayOfWeek(#date(YearCurrThursday,1,1), Day.Friday) ),
ISO_Week = Duration.Days( CurrentThursday - FirstThursdayOfYear) / 7 + 1
in ISO_Week, Int64.Type ),
#"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add ISO Week", "ISO W + Weeknumber", each "W" & Text.From( [ISO Weeknumber] ), type text ),
#"Add ISO Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Custom", "ISO Year", each let
CurrentThursday = Date.AddDays([Date], 3 - Date.DayOfWeek([Date], Day.Monday ) ),
YearCurrThursday = Date.Year( CurrentThursday )
in YearCurrThursday, Int64.Type ),
#"Insert Start of Week" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add ISO Year", "Start of Week", each Date.StartOfWeek([Date], Day.Monday ), type date),
#"Insert Quarter Number" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Start of Week", "Quarter Number", each Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Added Quarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Quarter Number", "Quarter", each "Q" & Text.From( Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]) ), type text ),
#"Add Year-Quarter" = Table.AddColumn(#"Added Quarter", "Year-Quarter", each Text.From( Date.Year([Date]) ) & "-Q" & Text.From( Date.QuarterOfYear([Date]) ), type text ),
#"Insert Day Name" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Year-Quarter", "Day Name", each Text.Proper( Date.DayOfWeekName([Date], CultureCode ) ), type text),
#"Insert Day Name Short" = Table.AddColumn( #"Insert Day Name", "Day Name Short", each Text.Proper( Date.ToText( [Date], "ddd", CultureCode ) ), type text),
#"Insert Day of Month Number" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Day Name Short", "Day of Month Number", each Date.Day([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Insert Day of Week" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Day of Month Number", "Day of Week Number", each Date.DayOfWeek([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Insert Day of Year" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Day of Week", "Day of Year Number", each Date.DayOfYear([Date]), Int64.Type),
#"Add Day Offset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Day of Year", "Day Offset", each Number.From( Date.From( Today ) - [Date] ) , Int64.Type ),
#"Add Week Offset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Day Offset", "Week Offset", each ( Number.From( Date.StartOfWeek( [Date], Day.Monday) )- Number.From( Date.StartOfWeek( Today, Day.Monday ) ) ) / 7, Int64.Type ),
#"Add Month Offset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Week Offset", "Month Offset", each ([Year] - Date.Year( Today ) ) *12 + ( [Month Number] - Date.Month( Today ) ), Int64.Type ),
#"Add Quarter Offset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Month Offset", "Quarter Offset", each ( [Year] - Date.Year(Today) ) * 4 + Date.QuarterOfYear( [Date] ) - Date.QuarterOfYear( Today ), Int64.Type ),
#"Add Year Offset" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Quarter Offset", "Year Offset", each [Year] - Date.Year(Today), Int64.Type ),
#"Insert Is Weekend" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add Year Offset", "Is Weekend", each if Date.DayOfWeek([Date], Day.Monday ) >= 5 then 1 else 0, Int64.Type ),
#"Insert Is Weekday" = Table.AddColumn(#"Insert Is Weekend", "Is Weekday", each if Date.DayOfWeek([Date], Day.Monday ) < 5 then 1 else 0, Int64.Type ),
#"Rename Columns to Language" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Insert Is Weekday", List.Zip( { List.Buffer( TranslateColumnNames[English] ), List.Buffer( Table.Column( TranslateColumnNames, CalendarLanguage ) ) } ), MissingField.Ignore )
#"Rename Columns to Language"
So there you have it, a date table that can change languages. This is a great feature that makes your data easy to understand for everyone.
You’ve learned how to create a date table in Power Query, and how to make it change languages dynamically by using a language parameter, culture codes, and a translation table. Now, you can use it for your own projects, and share it with other people, who can also select their preferred language.
Still curious for more? You may want to learn how to create an ISO Week and ISO Year column.
Thanks for reading all the way here. Enjoy Power Query!
Date Table Series
Creating a (Dynamic) Date Table
Build a Calendar that supports Multiple Languages
Creating a 445 Calendar (incl 454 and 544)
Advanced Topics
Create ISO Week and Year Column
Return Nth Business Day From Date
Compute Working Days Between Dates
Creating Ordinal Numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.)
Create Default Slicer Value of Current Month
Great Articles and Blogs…I am having issue with Month Lable. Hoping to get some work around for it.
I wanted to create a Month Lable to show “Current – Month YYYY” as current month – YYYY and then use it in the slicer so the user can select “Current Month”.
I used below formula for the month lable.
But when I want to sort MonthLable it is not sorting as April, May ect but sorting as April, Aug etc.
is there any work around for it?
Table.AddColumn(InsertMonthShort, “MonthLable”, each if Date.From([Date]) >= Date.From(CurrentMonthStart) and Date.From([Date]) <= Date.From(CurrentMonthEnd) then ("Current – " & Text.Proper( Date.ToText([Date], [Format = "MMM yyyy"]))) else Text.Proper( Date.ToText([Date], [Format = "MMM yyyy"])), type text )
BTW I am reading your new Book The Definitive Guide to Power Query (M). and definitely worth reading it.
If the sorting is required in the front end of Power BI, you can use a ‘sort by’ column that does sort correctly. In this case, a month number column to sort the month name by.
Great videos and blog, really helpful! Thanks for that! But the dynamic languages made me think about something else as well:
Are there also ways to make the first day of your week dynamic? It should be great to be able use the same calendar like with the different languages you showed, but then also being able to change the first day of the week between (most commonly) sunday and monday.
That should be possible. If you use the build in function of Date.StartOfWeek the second parameter should get you going:
The second parameter you can then change to any other day of the week. For ISO weeks you could also try something. But I’m not sure the ISO standard allows for starting at different days of the week..
Thanks for the answer! That’s indeed the function I’m using now in several colums (week nr, day of week, etc) but when I try to use a variable in these (like CalenderLanguage in this article) for the Day.* part I get back errors instead of a working function.
I believe you can make it a variable. But instead of referencing Day.* you should probably reference the entire Day.Monday, Day.Tuesday etc. Else Power Query won’t recognize it as element of a function.
what if i want to add another third language. how to be in such a case?
Hi Azma,
To add a new language you make 3 changes:
1. You add the new language to the parameter of chapter 1.2.
2. You add the language to the LanguageParameter step as explained in chapter 1.3.
3. You add the translated column names to the translation table from chapter 2.2.
Make sure the language from step 1, has the same name as the Language description in step 2 and the New language column name of step 3. With these steps you should be good to go!
Hello! can i get an example file from you
Hi Azma,
I’ve provided the code in section 3.0. You can copy the last 2 queries into Power Query and that provides you with all the examples. You can create a blank query -> go to the advanced editor. And paste the codes in there.
Hope that helps!