Written By Rick de Groot

Rick is the founder of BI Gorilla. He believes learning is one of life's greatest pleasures and shares his knowledge to help you improve your skills.

Formatting is key in financial reporting. It helps users consume the data in a pleasing way. One aspect that is often looked at in Balance sheets and Profit and Loss statements is the notation of negative numbers. Readers want an easy way to differentiate positive numbers from negative numbers. In Power BI, by default negative values have a minus sign before the number. The standard accounting way however is to have negative numbers between parentheses and optionally marked red. The following video shows how to display negative values between brackets in Power BI.

How to Display Negative Numbers between Parentheses in Power BI

As you can see users can get very creative with their custom formatting. Numbers can be shown in thousands, with parentheses or dash before a number, currency symbols or decimal numbers. Change it to your liking. A little reminder for those seeking some formatting options:

Format negative numbers between parentheses

Until next time!

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  1. With the latest version of PowerBI, you can just update the field format similar to Excel to get this function!



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