Written By Rick de Groot

Rick is the founder of BI Gorilla. He believes learning is one of life's greatest pleasures and shares his knowledge to help you improve your skills.

The Table.Group function in Power Query summarizes columns and lets you perform calculations on your data. However, it often hardcodes both the column names and column types. If you make changes to your data earlier in the query, this can cause problems. This article will show you strategies to avoid these issues and use dynamic group by operations.

Table of contents

If you prefer video, here’s the video tutorial:

Make your Group By Operations Dynamic in Power Query M


We will work with the following table:

Dataset for dynamic group in Power Query M

Overview of Table.Group

When you group your data in Power Query using the ‘All Rows’ operation, it summarizes your values and creates a new column containing a table object. This table object holds the grouped rows, which you can inspect further. For example, you can group your data by ‘Product’ and ‘Category’ and summarize the grouped rows using the following setup:

Group by Operation Hard Codes Data Types in Power Query M

The output of the grouping operation is a summary of your data.

Preview of Grouped Rows in Power Query

To introduce the issue, let’s look into the code generated by the Group By operation. Here’s the code that results from performing the grouping by ‘Product’ and ‘Category’:

  {"Product", "Category"}, 
      each _, 
      type nullable table [
        Date = nullable date, 
        LocationID = nullable text, 
        Product = nullable text, 
        Category = nullable text, 
        Quantity = nullable Int64.Type, 
        Amount = nullable Int64.Type

Notice the third argument in the Table.Group operation? This argument specifies the aggregations. An aggregation consists of a list with three elements:

  • Column Name: This is the name of the column that the operation will create.
  • Function for the aggregation: This specifies the calculation to perform on the summarized rows.
  • Data type: This ascribes a data type to the newly created column.

A common operation is to add an index column to each of the created groups. To make this example more interesting, we will add an index column using the Table.AddIndexColumn function. Here’s how you can incorporate it into the aggregation function:

  { "Product", "Category" }, 
      each Table.AddIndexColumn( _, "Index", 1 ), 
      type nullable table [
        Date = nullable date, 
        LocationID = nullable text, 
        Product = nullable text, 
        Category = nullable text, 
        Quantity = nullable Int64.Type, 
        Amount = nullable Int64.Type

The used expression is valid and specifies a detailed table type.

Issues with Hardcoded Grouping

While the table type with hardcoded columns and data types for the Details aggregation is valid, it can lead to potential errors. Here’s why:

  • New Columns: If in the future new columns are added before the Group By step, they won’t be included in the hard-coded table type definition. This means these columns won’t be available in the expand table operation. And when a column name isn’t specified in the table type, the expand table operation doesn’t suggest it, as shown below. You could then manually add the new column to the expand table operation, but it wouldn’t have a data type assigned.
Expand Table Misses the newly created column in Power Query
  • Type Changes: Another issue arises when the type of a column is changed earlier in your query before the Group By step. This change isn’t automatically reflected in the table type definition. For example, if you change the LocationID from type text to type number earlier in your query, this change won’t be shown in the steps following the Group By operation. And that’s not the only issue. You may even run into an error when your column has a data type mismatch and you load your data into Power BI.

To avoid these issues, it’s important to rework the logic to make it dynamic. There are two main strategies:

  1. Using Table.Combine
  2. Setting Data Types with Value.Type

Let’s see how both of these work.

Strategy 1: Using Table.Combine

The first strategy is useful for when all the columns you need are included in the table object we stored in the ‘Details’ column. Instead of hardcoding all the column names and data types, we can make use of the Table.Combine function. So how does tha twork?

Removing Hardcoded Column Names and Data Types

First, we remove the complex table type definition and only specify type table. Here’s what that looks like:

  { "Product", "Category" }, 
  { { "Details", each Table.AddIndexColumn( _, "Index", 1 ), type table } }

This makes our code cleaner and shorter. The outcome of this operation is a table with a ‘Details’ column that contains the summarized table objects.

Table.Combine can combine table objects in Power Query

Implementation of Table.Combine

To expand the table, we will avoid using the default expand column operation (which uses Table.ExpandTableColumn) provided by the user interface. Instead, we’ll use the Table.Combine function on each of the table objects in the column. This requires referencing both the previous step name (e.g., #"Grouped Rows") and the column name. Here’s how you can do it:

Table.Combine( #"Grouped rows"[Details] )

This operation not only expands the rows in the table object but also maintains the original data types.

Table.Combine combines table objects and keeps their data types

The advantage of this approach is that whenever new columns are created at an earlier stage in your query, the Group By operation will automatically pick them up and expand them without requiring any changes to your code.


While this method is effective for expanding data in the ‘Details’ column, it only retrieves the data stored in the table object. If you add additional calculations to the Table.Group function, such as a Count Rows operation, these calculations will not be included by using this method. For scenarios that require additional aggregations, a different approach is needed, which we will discuss next.

Strategy 2: Setting Data Types with Value.Type

In the next scenario, we slightly modify our setup to include an additional aggregation that counts the number of rows in each group. We achieve this using the following Group By operation:

Group By Operation Creates Table object in Power Query M

In this setup, the Count Rows operation creates a column with the number of rows that are grouped. The output of this operation looks like this:

Preview of Grouped Rows in Power Query M

To illustrate this example, we should include multiple aggregations in the grouping operation. Besides counting the rows, let’s add an index column for each of the grouped table objects.

  { "Product", "Category" }, 
    { "Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type }, 
    { "Details", 
      each Table.AddIndexColumn( _, "Index", 1 ), 
      type nullable table [
        Date = nullable date, 
        LocationID = nullable text, 
        Product = nullable text, 
        Category = nullable text, 
        Quantity = nullable Int64.Type, 
        Amount = nullable Int64.Type

Unfortunately, the Table.Combine method only retrieves the columns values specified in the Details aggregation (rows 616). That means all other columns are discarded, including the Count aggregation. Therefore that method is not an option. For the second method we will therefore look at how we can instead define a table type dynamically.

Dynamically Retrieve Table Type

Let’s first have a look at how we can retrieve the data type of a value. To do that we can make use of the Value.Type function. When applied to a table, this function returns a table type that includes the data type definitions of each column. Here’s how to extract the table type from the source table:

/* Output: 
type nullable table [
        Date = nullable date, 
        LocationID = nullable text, 
        Product = nullable text, 
        Category = nullable text, 
        Quantity = nullable Int64.Type, 
        Amount = nullable Int64.Type
      ] */

Value.Type( Source )

The output of this operation is a table type containing the data type definitions of each column within the Source table. Unfortunately, the Source table does not contain all the relevant columns. As you may remember, we also included an index column during the Group By operation. To include this, instead of referencing the Source table by itself, we could extract the table type from a table that includes the index column:

Value.Type( Table.AddIndexColumn( Source, "Index", 1 ) )

This output is a table type that contains all the necessary columns. We can improve this further, and not experience a performance penalty, by adding this information to an empty table.

Value.Type( Table.AddIndexColumn( Table.FirstN( Source, 0 ), "Index", 1 ) )

We can then incorporate this logic into our Group By expression as shown below:

  { "Product", "Category" }, 
    { "Count", each Table.RowCount(_), Int64.Type },
      each Table.AddIndexColumn( _, "Index", 1 ),
      Value.Type( Table.AddIndexColumn( Table.FirstN( Source, 0 ), "Index", 1 ) )

By removing hardcoded columns within the table type, our code becomes more concise and dynamic. This approach makes sure that any changes in the table structure are automatically handled.

Handling Column Expansion Dynamically

To extract columns while keeping data types intact, we must address the issue of hardcoding the column values in the expand operation. The code generated for expanding all columns in our example looks like this:

  #"Grouped rows", 
  { "Date", "LocationID", "Product", "Category", "Quantity", "Amount", "Index" }, 
  { "Date", "LocationID", "Product.1", "Category.1", "Quantity", "Amount", "Index" }

To make the expand table column operation dynamic, we need to perform a few steps.

  1. Remove the Fourth Argument: The fourth argument of Table.ExpandTableColumn is optional and is used to rename the expanded columns. If we want to keep our column names the same, we can remove this argument.
  2. Dynamically Retrieve Columns: Instead of hardcoding the columns to expand, we should dynamically retrieve them from the table. Power Query does not allow duplicate column names, so any columns already present in the original table, such as ‘Product’ and ‘Category’, should not be part of the expand columns operation.

To achieve this, we keep the first two arguments the same and dynamically compute the columns to expand for the third parameter. Here’s how to do it:

  #"Grouped rows", 
    // Retrieves all columns available in the grouped tables
  AllColumns  = Table.ColumnNames( #"Grouped Rows"[Details]{0} ),
    /* Retrieves the columns from the Group By table
       This includes columns "Product", "Category", "Count" and "Details" */
  ColumnsToRemove  =  Table.ColumnNames( #"Grouped Rows" ),
    // Specifies the columns to expand from the table object
  ColumnsToExpand  = List.RemoveItems( AllColumns, ColumnsToRemove )

This setup retrieves the column names from both the #”Grouped Rows” step and the grouped table objects. It then generates a list of column names that exist in the table object but do not yet exist in the grouped query by using the List.RemoveItems function. Finally, the ColumnsToExpand variable, which stores this list, is used to dynamically expand the table.


To play with this code yourself, you can download the file below:


The user interface of Power Query is convenient and easy to use. However, it often generates code that hardcodes operations, which can cause problems when your data changes. For example, if new columns are added or data types are changed earlier in your query, the hardcoded operations might not handle these changes well. This can lead to errors or require manual updates to your code.

With a bit of custom M code, you can make your Power Query solutions more adaptable. Strategies like using Table.Combine and setting data types dynamically with Value.Type help prevent these issues. Instead of tedious manual updates, your queries will retrieve the relevant columns and data types themself.

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  1. Hi I’m trying to join two table types to create a new table type:
    I tried this:

      type1 = type table [ A = text ], 
      type2 = type table [ B = number ],
      combined = Type.Union( { type1, type2 } ),
      Schema = Type.TableSchema( combined )

    But the Schema step results in an empty table.

    Shouldn’t it be this schema:

    type table [ A = text , B = number ]

    The reason I’m asking is that I’m doing a GroupBy and want to add an Index to to it.
    From your book I found I could do this:

      {"Job", "SECTION"}, 
      {{ "Data", each _, Value.Type( FilterJob ) }}

    To maintain the data types of all the columns.

    Now I want to add an Index to each group:

      {"Job", "SECTION"}, 
      {{  "Data", each Table.AddIndexColumn( _, "Index", 1, 1, Int64.Type ), 
          Value.Type( FilterJob ) }}

    But when expanding, I lose the data type for Index.
    I’d like to use the Type.Union as such:

      {"Job", "SECTION"}, 
      {{ "Data", each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, "Index", 1, 1, Int64.Type), 
         Type.Union( { Value.Type( FilterJob ),type table [ Index = number ] } ) }}

    But as indicated above, the schemas aren’t joined, so all data types are removed.

    The only way I found I could do it was indicated in this blog post:

      {"Job", "SECTION"}, 
      {{ "Data", each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, "Index", 1, 1, Int64.Type), 
         Value.Type( Table.AddIndexColumn( FilterJob, "Index", 1, 1, Int64.Type ) ) }}

    But that does unnecessary more work.
    It would seem like the Type.Union would be the way to go, but no such luck.

    • Hey Nick,

      Unfortunately, combining table types is a bit of a frustrating process. The combining of the table types seems problematic.

      The way I’ve got it working is first extract the type of the TableRow (which is a record). Then extract the fields from these.
      Combine the records, then use Type.ForRecord to create a new record type.

      You can pass that as a table type after and inspect it. Here’s the code:

        type1 = type table [ A = text ], 
        type2 = type table [ B = number ],
        RecordFields = Type.RecordFields( Type.TableRow( type1 ) ) & Type.RecordFields( Type.TableRow( type2 ) ),
        TableType = type table Type.ForRecord( RecordFields, false ),
        InspectType = Type.TableSchema( TableType )

      Alternatively, you could apply the steps using List.Transform:

        type1 = type table [ A = text ], 
        type2 = type table [ B = number ],
        RecordTypes = List.Transform( { type1, type2 }, each Type.RecordFields( Type.TableRow( _ ) ) ) ,
        CombineRecords = Record.Combine( RecordTypes ),
        TableType = type table Type.ForRecord( CombineRecords, false ),
        InspectTableType = Type.TableSchema( TableType )

      There’s some more examples here: https://powerquery.how/type-tablerow/

      Hope that helps!

  2. Very good article… from now on, I will use these techniques… I will save myself a lot of headaches… Thank you for sharing.


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